Serenity Intuitive

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Energy Shifts

Ever woken up in a bad mood and it set the tone for your whole day? Or just felt happy for no reason and everything just seemed easy.  These are both examples of energetic states.  Most people don’t give any attention or thought to their energy or that of others.  That’s a shame because noticing and working with your energy is one of the most profound yet simple things you can do to improve your life. 

“Huh?”, I hear you say.  Let me explain; if you become aware of your energetic state then you are far ahead of most people.  Taking that a step further; if you are aware of and then actively work to raise the vibration of your energy you are no longer living your life unconsciously.   

There are many tools and aids to raise your energetic state.

·         Meditation

·         Spending time in nature

·         Listening to uplifting music

·         Using stones and crystals

·         Prayer

·         Exercise

·         Laughter

·         Aromatherapy

·         And many others

 Why is this important?  When we actively raise our vibration (energy state) then we attract people, opportunities and ideas that are on that same frequency.  Who doesn’t like to attract a higher energy level or good mood!  This is when things get really interesting and fun.  Doors open that you never imagined.  People come into your life that excite and nourish you along your journey.  Answers to long standing problems come out of the blue.  Friends and family become more helpful and kind.  Life just flows. All amazing stuff!

 That’s not to say that we stay in these higher vibrations all the time.  It’s not a one and done thing.  It is something we manage throughout the day and energy, being waves, ebbs and flows naturally.  Being aware of your energetic state and then actively doing anything listed above or something else that resonates with you elevates it.  I call it exercising you energetic muscle.  With exercise and use it all becomes so much easier and muscle gets stronger.  I dare say that after awhile you may find that being in lower energies of fear, anger and negativity will start to feel uncomfortable.  A little like shoes that are too tight.  With practice you raise your resting energy state to a higher frequency which is why those lower vibrations, people and situations no longer resonate with you.

 How about a little energetic exercise to attract more flow into your life?  Can’t hurt and might help.

 Light and love and high vibrations!